An independent office for sustainable urban planning and green entrepreneurship.

Our firm specializes in initiating, managing, and researching in the field of natural raw materials and recycled and innovative resources for the construction and infrastructure industries in Israel and abroad.

We provide consulting services in this field to national government agencies and local authorities, companies, industries, academia, organizations and of course to entrepreneurs and the public.

Our Services

We provide consulting services, courses, lectures, professional tours about industrial ecological solutions, environmental regulations, fundraising, and entrepreneurship to promote technologies and innovation in the construction and infrastructure industry.

National government and local government officials

Firms, Industries, Academies and Organizations

Entrepreneurs and the Public

The Israeli Forum for Innovation in Raw Materials for the Construction and Infrastructure Industry (IRMI) serves as a platform for meetings and sharing insights from various fields of knowledge related to innovation in raw materials at sea, on land and in space. The forum aims to make Israel a leader in innovation in raw materials and products in the industry. The forum promotes information sharing and meetings to create valuable essays, research and news on world events including exposure to grants, funds and investors
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